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Remove paid advertising from your email experience

Included in your membership at no additional cost, Ad-Free AOL Mail* offers you the AOL webmail experience minus the paid ads, allowing you to focus on your inbox without the distractions.

Activate Now*
The use of Ad Free AOL Mail is subject to Yahoo's Legal Terms and Privacy Policy.
*Available to one email address per account.

As a part of your AOL Membership, get AOL Mail without the distraction of paid ads

  • What are Paid Ads?

    When you log into AOL Mail, you've probably noticed advertisements promoting products or services unrelated to AOL—those are paid ads.

  • AOL Promotions

    You'll no longer see paid advertisements, but because you're a valued AOL member, you'll continue to see promotions for AOL products and brands. We want to ensure that you’re receiving our latest product news and information.

  • One Username Per Account

    This benefit is currently available to one username on your account. If other usernames on your account would like to purchase Ad-Free AOL Mail, they may do so by going to

  • Exclusively for AOL Webmail

    Ad-Free AOL Mail is only available for email addresses when checking email on the web from your computer. If you access AOL Mail from the AOL Desktop software or on your mobile device, you will continue to see paid advertising.

Click below to activate and begin using Ad-Free AOL Mail.

Activate Now