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Save money on travel, tickets, gyms and more.

AOL Perks provides you with discounts and rebates on goods and services from local merchants and well-known national brands like Disney,, 24 Hour Fitness, Sam’s Club and more.

Start saving now
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Gain access to discounts and rebates from 900+ local and national merchants.

Included in your AOL Membership at no additional cost

Exclusive, Private Offers

Discover unique offers such as free shipping or higher discount percentages on merchants like Apple, Samsung, Six Flags, Costco and more.

Travel Discount Center

Take advantage of exclusive travel discounts on hotels in hundreds of destinations worldwide – even the most well-known spots in Las Vegas!

Personalized Discounts

Customize your page by using the “My Interests” page to receive savings and ensure you only see deals from categories you’re interested in.

Live Customer Support

Got questions? PerkSpot’s customer service team is here to help! Contact the team via email, phone or chat.