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LastPass Premium remembers all your passwords for you, so you don't have to

Included in your membership at no additional cost, LastPass Premium makes it easy to securely log in to all your favorite websites. Save a password once and it's instantly stored on all your devices.

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The use of LastPass Premium is subject to LogMeIn's Legal Terms and Privacy Policy.

Easily store all your passwords in one safe place, your LastPass vault, for instant access from any device, whenever you need to log in.

Included in your AOL membership at no additional cost.

  • Create Strong Passwords

    Create Strong Passwords

    A password generator creates long, random passwords and keeps track of them, protecting you from hackers.

  • Emergency Access

    Safe Sharing

    Share passwords and notes with friends and family who use LastPass, for convenience or in case of emergency.

  • Store Digital Records

    Store Digital Records

    Securely backup and store important information, from insurance cards to tax returns, passports and photo IDs.

  • Simplify Online Shopping

    Simplify Online Shopping

    Make check out faster, easier and more secure. All your usernames, passwords, payment and shipping details fill in automatically.

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